Friday, April 27, 2007

The Lord knows I haven't...

*Gong* All Ye Hail Emperor Superstar! The Emperor Thpeaketh!

I stumbled upon a file that contained a saved MSN conversation that I didn't even know existed. It must have been saved by chance, then. It was between us. It was lovely to read. There was something I hadn't felt in a long time. It was timeless.

I stumbled upon another file. There were only two under the same category, anyway. This was painful to read. This was just days after the end. It was bitter-sweet. It was heart-wrenching. It was helpless.

And all I can ever feel is deep regret accompanied by great shame, that I drove it to its end...

Dear Jesus.. I haven't forgotten.. No, I haven't..

The Emperor Hath Thpoken! *Gong*


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