Saturday, November 11, 2006

You Should Be...

*Gong* All Ye Hail Emperor Superstar! The Emperor Thpeaketh!

I graduated from Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts today. I got a band together to play my original music to be showcased and graded by a panel of examiners that consisted of Lindsay, Mona and a guest veteran who goes by the initials, J.S. apparently. All three of them had very nice things to say about my work efforts.

Lindsay stressed that it was an excellent show and that it was very heartfelt. Mona added that I've come a very long way and that I've shown great potential for future events. J.S. was very impressed by my ability to cover a lot of different genres altogether, and also fuse them together in certain pieces. Lots more were said, but the bottom line was that everyone enjoyed it very much.

There will be no more school for the next 2 years as I have to enter into the Singapore Civil Defence Force as service to my country. I plan to continue with a degree in the same course at Lasalle-SIA when I'm finally done with National Service.

Today marks a new beginning for me and I'm glad I don't have to put up with any more trouble that I've endured during this last semester and yet, I feel lost. Somehow, it's not as bright and sunny as it's supposed to seem. I still feel empty. Something is missing and I know what it is. My elation is stifled because of this and I don't feel too good. Uncertainty, is filling my mind with questions. Is it foolish to entertain? Is it selfish to guard? Is it wrong to want? Is it right to discard?

The Emperor Hath Thpoken! *Gong*


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