Saturday, July 29, 2006

It Is Done

*Gong* All Ye Hail Emperor Superstar! The Emperor Thpeaketh!

School started this week... walked into school with my rows... highly anticipated... very well received... that's it. Skipped school for the next three days... felt heartache... returned on friday to settle administrative problems. Friday helped me learn lots of things... felt pretty good after... I dont have to take any class except main study this semester... enough credits to get me through... such a good boy. Said something to an acquaintance... resulted in a quarrel later that night... insults flung my way from left, right & center... It's ok. To my acquaintance... good luck to all that you do... sincerely... from the bottom of my heart.

I guess it wasn't meant to be peachy on friday. You'd think things couldn't get any worse. They get worse everytime. I'm sorry to all. Whoever you may be. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm so numb. I can't even cry. Well... maybe I can say one more thing. I don't stop loving. I may have my faults. I don't deny. I may complain. At the end of the day... I don't stop loving. I don't stop giving. Everyone was made different. I don't hate because of that. We all have our demons. So what right have you to judge? I guess the only thing I have a problem with is the fact that people persecute you for one fault while everyone is equally tainted with fault.

If you think that I don't think of others' feelings... then you're the one who doesn't because you're too ignorant to even know me well enough. I am not a bad person.

The Emperor Hath Thpoken! *Gong*